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IRS Offer In Compromise OIC tips to Settle Tax Debt

IRS Offer In Compromise OIC tips to Settle Tax Debt (2020)

Posted By: sginccpa

Tax Debt is just like torture to taxpayers. Especially, when a person meets with financial hardships and he/she can’t pay taxes which causes huge tax liabilities. But Don’t be Panic, IRS offers an agreement that could be the solution to settle your tax debt when you can’t afford to pay your tax debt. This Tax Debt… Continue reading IRS Offer In Compromise OIC tips to Settle Tax Debt (2020)

Tax Return Preparation

Tax Return Preparation Checklist A Complete Guide to File Your Taxes

Posted By: sginccpa

Tax season set forward a lot of difficulties while getting gather all documentation that required to be convenient while taking a shot at your Tax Return. In this way, it’s a great opportunity to be mindful of the documents you have to prepare. Fortunately, a Tax preparation checklist lets you help to find and get things what… Continue reading Tax Return Preparation Checklist A Complete Guide to File Your Taxes

CPA Tax Preparation VS Tax Planning Accountant

Posted By: sginccpa

Tax Fraud, Tax Avoidance, and Tax Evasion Just as there is a really big difference between Tax Fraud, Tax Avoidance, and Tax Evasion, there is a great distinction between Tax Planning and Tax Preparation. Unfortunately, many individuals mistook tax preparation and tax planning as they seem to be used interchangeably. Although they are both very important, they’re… Continue reading CPA Tax Preparation VS Tax Planning Accountant

LLC vs Inc limited liability company

LLC-vs-Inc-limited liability company versus corporation

Posted By: sginccpa

There are mainly three types of business entities in the United States. Mostly Startup owners consider it the same, but they are different. These are: 1. LLC stands for “Limited Liability Company” 2. Inc. or Corp Inc. stands for “Incorporation” and Corp as “corporation”, further divided into two types i. C-corp ii. S-corp New business owners often receive… Continue reading LLC-vs-Inc-limited liability company versus corporation